Policies & FAQ

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions.
If you have other questions, please just send it to glamarizedbb@gmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

All appointments require a non refundable deposit

To ensure you get the full beauty bar experience, no children or extra guest allowed with you in the salon unless being serviced, or your service provider gives you the “ok”

We understand life happens, but please try to cancel all appointments at least 24-48 hours ahead of time to avoid cancellation fees

Yes. You may return 7 days after receiving product. Hair/accessories may not be tampered with in anyway or returned without its original packaging. If package or seal has been broken, a refund will not be issued.

Please email for more information.

You may text us at 864-724-9598 or send us an email at Glamarizedbb@gmail.com

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